1. Statuette in bronze of a dancing Faun from atrium tuscanicum of the House of the Faun
  2. Nilotic scene at the central threshold of the exedra of the House of the Faun
  3. Child Dionysus on a tiger, triclinio of the House of the Faun 
  4. Pair of gold snake-body bracelets
  5. The Alexander mosaic , esedra of the House of the Faun 
  6. Table support in marble shaped like a sphinx, second peristyle of the House of the Faun 
  7. Perspective view of the entrance to the house ( by Niccolini, Le case ed i monumenti di Pompei, 1896)


    1. Drunken Satyr from the pool of the garden of the Villa of the Papyri
    2. The Sleeping Faun from the pool of the garden of the Villa of the Papyri
    3. Bronze athletes identified as either runners or wrestlers from the square peristyle of the Villa of the Papyri
    4. Statue Atena Promachos 
    5. Statue of dancer or Danaide
    6. Statue of dancer or Danaide
    7. Statue of dancer or Danaide
    8. Statue of dancer or Danaide
    9. Statue of dancer or Danaide
    10. Plan of the Villa of the Papyri by Karl Weber (1752) redrawn by Comparetti and De Petra in 1883